Welcome to the home of the Prescott Pigs!
Welcome to Our Story!
The Adventures of the Prescott Pigs came to life after Alicia and her daughter Cameron unexpectedly rescued two pot belly pigs during the winter of 2023. They believed they could do more with their story.
Together they went on to create the children’s book series The Adventures of the Prescott Pigs which serves to share their story and help other animals in need.
We are not just authors; we are a family driven by a shared vision: to brighten the lives of others, educate people to be compassionate towards animals, and impact lives. Together, we write the next chapter in the book of turning dreams into reality.
The Adventures of the Prescott Pigs
Book One: A Tail of a Rescue
Based on a True Story
Nestled in the hills of Prescott Arizona, 9-year-old Jessi is used to running into wild animals, but little does Jessi know that a chance encounter with two pot belly pigs will change her life forever.
Meet Buffy and Pinky, two abandoned pigs that need rescuing and a new loving home, and Jessi has just the place for them! All she needs to do is convince her mom and dad that they have what it takes to help these pigs in need.
Join the adventure and learn how Jessi is determined to overcome challenge after challenge to rescue two animals that need her help and discover the true love of family along the way.
This book is based on a true story and written by a mother-daughter team determined to help every animal that crosses their path. Perfect for readers that love animals and fun tales, and ideal for ages 5-13.

The Adventures of the Prescott Pigs
The Series - Coming Soon!
Based on a True Story
A Tail of a Birth | Book 2
The pigs are back! In their second book we learn that Pinky is pregnant. Now the family has to learn all about birthing and raising piglets. Jessi knows she has a lot to learn about taking care of a pregnant pot belly pig but she is more concerned about keeping their family together. Can Jessi convince her parents that they can open their home to more pigs in need?
A Tail of a Junior Detective’s Discovery | Book 3
Jessi goes on a mission to find out the history of the pigs and how they were abandoned. Can she get to the truth with her sleuthing skills?
Tails of a Rescue from Buffy & Pinky | Book 4
Buffy & Pinky tell you all about what really happened. Learn how they felt about being abandoned and the love they feel from being rescued. Can they teach us something about kindness?
Tails of Buffy’s Adventures | Book 5
Buffy has to be separated from Pinky while she is pregnant. How will he handle his loneliness? Can Jessi help him get through this tough time?
Tails of Pinky’s Adventures | Book 6
Pinky is worried about being a mom. How will she know what to do and will she be any good? Can Jessi support Pinky and give her the confidence she deserves?
Tails of Chipmunk’s Adventures | Book 7
Chipmunk is different. Everyone has a white spot except him. Can Jessi bring the family together to convince him this makes him unique?
Tails of Milky’s Adventures | Book 8
Milky wants to sing. She doesn’t think she is good enough and Jessi can relate. Can they help each other see how good they really are?
Tails of Tigger’s Adventures | Book 9
Tigger wants to be in charge. How will Buffy handle this new phase? Can Jessi help these two come together to work out their differences?
Tails of an Escape | Book 10
Pinky & Chipmunk Escape! Where have Pinky and Chipmunk gone? Jessi has to find them before they get too far, will she get there in time?
Tails of a Friendship | Book 11
There is a mountain lion terrorizing the neighborhood! How can Jessi help protect her family of pigs with a mountain lion on the loose?
Tails of Danger | Book 12
Meet Teeny & Tiny! Teeny and Tiny are the family dogs. They aren’t so sure about these pigs invading their home. How can Jessi help them accept each other?
Do you REALLY wanna know what happened?
Check out our page of Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the rescue!
How can you help?
Did you know that there is a “pigdemic?” Pigs are being abandoned at unprecedented rates all over the United States. Many people have the misconception that “miniature pigs” are small. There is no such thing as a small pig. Instead of finding homes for these domesticated, sentient animals people are simply abandoning them.
We are grateful to Ironwood Pig Sanctuary and other local community members who gave us guidance and support in rescuing our abandoned pigs.
Help by getting educated, educating others, and getting involved.